What are my values?

So, it turns out that finding time to write every single day is difficult. It’s nice though. It feels like when you have done nothing but eat junk food and watch tv on the couch and then you spend a couple days doing jumping jacks. You aren’t significantly...

The Future of Nonprofits

Environmental nonprofits work hard to reverse climate change. But what would would the effect be if a mega corporation like McDonald’s stopped serving meat? Health nonprofits work hard to fight childhood obesity. But what if Coca Cola found a way to make their...

Nonprofits Need a Rebrand

Big corportions always sound impenetrable, no-nonsense, and like everyone wears a suit… IBM, JP Morgan Chase, Berkshire Hathaway, General Electric. New tech companies always sound fun, easy, slick, and helpful…Apple, Google, Qlick, Ebay. But nonprofit...

What’s it all for?

At the end of the day, don’t we all just want to feel safe, comfortable, and stable? Nonprofits do a lot of work to make the under-served feel safe, comfortable, and stable, but they often forget their staff in the process. What are you saying about your team...

5 Things Nonprofits Should Know About Crowdfunding

It’s Day 3 of my challenge and I am already cheating. In my defense, my fiancee made me grout tile for 8 hours today and I can barely keep my eyes open. So today, I have nothing new, and instead will share a blog post that I wrote for the Center for Nonprofit...

Just Fucking Do It: A Challenge To Myself

Seth Godin wrote a blog post today about action. It reminded me that I have a blog idea called “Just Fucking Do It” which is my internal response to people who just can’t seem to ever get anything done. Anyway… Seth said: More important than...

5 Things a Good Leader Knows

Originally published at www.cnmsocal.org as part of the 5 Things Friday series. This morning I walked past a coworker’s desk and noticed a very full flip chart sheet with leader written in bright pink at the top. Surrounding the word were all sorts of attributes and...

Leadership vs. Authority

  The definition of leadership What is leadership? Well, we know it’s a very popular phrase that management folks like to throw around. I hear it at least 100 times a day. But what is it really? To me, leadership is lifting up others around you and moving the...

If My Resume Was 100% Honest

I’ve been thinking a lot about careers lately. I’m spending some time focusing on “what I want to be when I grow up” and have not yet landed on an answer. I enjoy marketing – do I go down that route? I’m tired of the slow pace of nonprofits (mostly due to the funding...

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Nonprofit Management Made Simple

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