I’ve been thinking a lot about careers lately. I’m spending some time focusing on “what I want to be when I grow up” and have not yet landed on an answer. I enjoy marketing – do I go down that route? I’m tired of the slow pace of nonprofits (mostly due to the funding model) – do I work for a funder or a social enterprise or B-Corp? I want to make more money – do I just jump the nonprofit ship and work for The Man?

The answers to these questions will come in time, I’m sure. But as I ruminate on all of this, the dreaded resume problem rears its head. Writing resumes is the WORST. I know how to write a good resume—I even edit them as a sometimes side job—but when it comes to writing my own…just, ugh.

It’s difficult to land on the right words and phrases. Talk about being too close to the work; I AM the work. I find myself thinking, Do I insert the word strategic here? Do I say I coordinated that or managed it? Gross. You always have to ride that fine line of being different enough to stick out, but polished enough to look hirable. And you can never say what you want to say, right? I’m totally professional at work, but if I felt I was allowed to be 100% me, my job application would look like this:

Cover Letter:


You should totally hire me. Trust me, it’ll be the best decision you’ve ever made. I’ll go above and beyond. And that bulleted list of things you were looking for in a candidate? Check, check, check – I cover them all.

Everyone says that, I know. But I’m different. I just don’t want to spend 20 hours trying to figure out exactly what I think you want me to say and then finding the perfect way to say it. Listen, I’m picky. I’m not applying to a billion other jobs. I have a job. I just want to work with you because I think we’d probably be a good fit. So, let’s chat and see if I’m right.

In return for being a stellar employee, all I ask is that you treat me with respect, give me opportunities to grow, and pay me decently.

Please holler back,


RB fake resume jpeg

[Click here if you can’t read the resume]

Alas, the world we live in isn’t chill with that kind of resume, so until GenZ rules the world, I guess I will speak like a Boomer, wear blouses and slacks like I’m 45, and spend hours figuring out which boring jargon I should use to explain what I do.

Someone at Google please call me.

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