Hey MarComm types, can we talk about noise for a minute?

Not noise like screaming children and cars honking, but the digital noise that we can’t get away from these days.

Content is King they say, and because every marketer is stretched for time and money, that ends up meaning Any Content is King.

There’s a big influencer in my industry that is known as a social media specialist. But this person’s feed is almost completely automated noise about the top tweets this week (what does that even mean??) and new followers. Only once every few days is there a tweet that I might believe is not automated.

And I get it. I know you “should” post to Twitter several times per day and to Facebook at least once, but what if I don’t have anything interesting to say? I’m just creating noise.

We’ve gotten so caught up in best practices that it’s easy to forget that we’re talking to real human beings when we email, tweet, post, etc.

I think we need to be quieter. I think we need to join the platforms that make sense for our audience, regardless of what we’re supposed to be on and only speak when we really have something of value to say.

I believe the next wave of marketing and communications is going to be a renaissance. A reconnection with people. Technology will still play a big part, but we will have to look at people anew. Better customer service, less automation, more value, and, fingers crossed, less noise.

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