Unleash the Power Of Your People

Originally posted on www.cnmsocal.org Your organization is nothing without your people. Your mission is just words unless you have the human capital to make it real. But too often, we get so wrapped up in that mission that we forget to put the necessary resources into...

Finding What Works: Meetings

Originally posted on www.cnmsocal.org. It’s no secret at CNM that I hate meetings. So, when I came across this Harvard Business Review article about making meetings more productive, I read it with abandon and then immediately forwarded it to everyone in the office. At...

“Screw the exhaustion metric”

According to Gallup’s annual Work and Education Survey, the average full time employee works 47 hours a week instead of 40. That number is actually smaller than I thought it was. I’m constantly hearing about people working 50 and 60 hour weeks. And my response to that...