Marketing Trends I’m Tired Of

I generally don’t like to be negative, especially when it comes to other people’s work. Because, I mean, who the hell am I to judge? I do dumb stuff all the time. But I’m seeing a lot of marketing trends that are incredibly annoying, so I thought I’d air my grievances...


Hey MarComm types, can we talk about noise for a minute? Not noise like screaming children and cars honking, but the digital noise that we can’t get away from these days. Content is King they say, and because every marketer is stretched for time and money, that ends...

What are my values?

So, it turns out that finding time to write every single day is difficult. It’s nice though. It feels like when you have done nothing but eat junk food and watch tv on the couch and then you spend a couple days doing jumping jacks. You aren’t significantly...

Nonprofits Need a Rebrand

Big corportions always sound impenetrable, no-nonsense, and like everyone wears a suit… IBM, JP Morgan Chase, Berkshire Hathaway, General Electric. New tech companies always sound fun, easy, slick, and helpful…Apple, Google, Qlick, Ebay. But nonprofit...